How to overcome disgust towards your husband's sister?

How to overcome disgust towards your husband's sister?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My story is as old as the world. I can't stand relativeshusband . I can't help myself, even the smallest things connected with them affect me so much.

From time to time I can even think about divorce, if only they would disappear from my life. The situation is like this, well, locusts, they crawl, crawl, when I see them, I just want to shake myself off.

I've been married for 19 years. My husband hassister . For the first ten years, she lived quietly, didn't bother anyone, we saw each other on holidays, and I treated her quite positively. And my husband and I worked these years, earned money, long, tediously and hard. No one ever helped financially, he and I are from very simple families, let's say.

Then we bought a house, and for the last seven years my sister has been living off my brother (my husband). They come to visit every weekend, sit for days, ask to stay overnight, cry, whine, eat all day. I don't mind, but I have one day off, during which I have to cook for them and look after them. By the way, we regularly help them with money, but they like to eat and don't like to cook.

He really likes to come when I'm not home. He rummages through my closets,the refrigerator, I'm not even talking about it. She knows all my perfumes, clothes, shoes, jewelry, where they are, she photographed the coding of the packaging from branded jewelry in front of me. MyMy brother laughs at me, he says that if they go on a hunger strike, they won’t die of hunger, they’ll gnaw at everyone and everything around them.

They squeeze my husband for everything, both money and equipment, and I didn’t feel sorry for them before, honestly, but in the last couple of years it’s just been a rip-off, and we’re not that well-off. I tried to talk to my husband, but we start arguing. And the most important thing is that all this would be fine, but my husband’s sister treats me like I’m nothing. Even everything she begs for, even everything that concerns the female part (dishes, for example,products that she saw in the kitchen), she starts asking her husband, she will never ask me.

Not once did they leave empty-handed (a cup, a spoon, a bottle, perfume, powder, a medic,oil , shampoo, scarf, earmuffs). Like gypsies, honestly. He takes off his shoes in the hallway and already sees a new bag two rooms away and asks: "Oh, a new bag." He comes out into the hallway and while I'm busy in the kitchen, tries on my coat and shoes. And no matter how much I try to convince myself that people are different, but everything is fine with my husband, and this is my only problem, it still throws me off.

People, give me some advice! I've already started hiding all my things, it's absurd. Please help me with some advice.

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