How I couldn't become a father

How I couldn't become a father
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Men, youth. I want to share my bitter experience. Maybe this will help someone change something in their life.

I was married. Before the wedding, my Tatyana and I dated for 5 years. They didn’t want to have children before marriage. We decided that everything would be legally married. And then the painting ceremony took place. And six months later my Tanyusha became pregnant. Our joy knew no bounds. Butthe wife felt unwell. The pregnancy was difficult and painful. And I, stupid, did not give it any importance. At the end of the second month it became really bad. I had to call an ambulance. And... without telling too much, we lost the child. My wife was very upset, but I again decided that everything was still ahead and there was nothing to grieve about.

Doctors examined Tatyana and found that she hadproblems on the female side. And they warned that she would be able to bear a child only if she was kept in confinement for a very long time, otherwise, if the breakdowns continued, she would face an inevitable and difficult operation.

My wife cried and asked me to support her, to help her become a mother. And I continued to believe that my participation here was only one-time, and she should handle the rest herself - other women can handle it.

Two years have passed. During this time we experienced two more breakdowns. The wife was told that there was almost no chance left and was given a referral for surgery. Tanya just starteddepression . I, not understanding the state of things, treated her rather rudely, blaming her for being an inferior woman.

It all ended badly. My wife had an operation and could no longer have children. I thought that I, as a man, still had everything ahead of me and began to look for a woman to have a child on the side. Again, I won’t fool everyone for long, I’ll just say that in the end, my Tanyusha filed fordivorce .

Now I live alone. I don't have children either. After 10 years I realized that I had simply lost myhappiness and the opportunity to become a father. I know that only Tatyana expected from me moral support, at least some physical help and banal human understanding. I didn't give her all this. I still love her and don’t want to have children from anyone else. Please read myConfession and draw the right conclusions for yourself.

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