false belief

false belief
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

All my life, as far as I can remember, I did not receive moral support from anyone. All my life, in fact, I felt alone. And this is in the presence of parents, it would seem, close people.

And so, when my father died, I suddenly got what is called “covered”. At first, after his death, it was especially difficult psychologically. The year before last, I found out who the indigo children are. I accidentally came across a video about this phenomenon. Then, a year later, I started reading books, and then for a long time I thought: “Oh, a turning point has begun, something has changed in me, I have become a different person. Before, I was immature, so I didn’t understand things like magic, the occult, and so on and so forth.” But all this time, while I was reasoning like that, I felt as if something was clouded in me.

Recently, when once again my book broke, I had a surge of emotions. It was then, after that moment, that the insight came to me that I had been living like a zombie for the last two years. Yes, I was “zombified” by all this indigo, test-antibiotic.com esotericism. I believe in indigo, I admit the possibility that people are born who are not quite ordinary, let's say, “wise by nature”, but much of what I have read or heard over the past couple of years is actually nonsense. And the very term "indigo" is rooted in esotericism. Although I admit that kind, sensitive people are born, ready to help, who from birth know what is good and what is bad. But such children are born much less often than society presents us.

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