The man I loved didn’t accept my child, so I gave my daughter to my father

The man I loved didn’t accept my child, so I gave my daughter to my father
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I havechild , he is 3 years old. There is also a formerhusband andDarling man .

The man I love loves me, even loves me very much. But at the beginning of our relationship, he could not accept my child, so we broke up (he left). Two weeks later he realized that he couldn’t live without me, so he returned and adopted the child. But he can't accept the baby's father, my exhusband and the fact that I communicate with him. Even the very fact of its existence.

My child, for some reason, currently lives with his father. He is the best dad for his daughter, there are no questions about that. And it’s normal that I communicate with him only about the child and don’t personally interact with him in any way.

But my beloved man has paranoia. He is jealous of me, to the point of breaking up. He reacts painfully to the fact that I need to call my ex-husband and find out about the child. As a result, I began to hide the fact that I was calling him. But he saw the correspondence where I say that I need to passmoney for kindergarten and a couple more negative messages.

This made my beloved man very angry and, to put it mildly, he broke up with me again. He said that I was deceiving him, and he would not tolerate thisattitude towards him.

How can I explain to him the reason for my lies? What way out of the situation can you tell me?

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