To love or to be loved?

To love or to be loved?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 30 years old. Three years ago, my friend and I went abroad. I met a guy there by chance, spent 2 days together, he left home earlier.

Arriving home, he wrote that he realized that he had fallen in love at first sight and promised to come to me. The distance between our cities was 1,500 km, and I did not take what he was saying seriously. But when I returned from vacation, the next day he came to see me. We spent a wonderful couple of days together, he left, but promised that he would solve all the issues at home and move in with me.

2.5 months passed and I met him at the airport with his things. We started living together. There was everything - quarrels and reconciliation, but there was alsoLove . But in my country he didn’t succeed in his job, no matter how hard he tried, he returned back. A couple of months later I went to see him to see how he lived there, and in the end we returned back together. There was hope that he would still find something to do with work in my city. But again nothing came of it, and it was decided that we were going to see him in the city.

On New Year's Day he proposed to me, they planned a wedding in the spring, and that same spring I would move to live with him in another country. But at the last moment he was afraid of responsibility: I have a mortgage, his work has not yet been established. And he disappeared, asked for forgiveness, said that I deserve a better life and disappeared. No matter how I tried to talk to him, he made no contact. It was very bad, the world just collapsed. I don’t know how I survived it all. For a month I came home and just cried, fell asleep, woke up in the morning and went to work and so on.every day .

But time heals, I slowly began to come to my senses, read books, and entered college. I started talking to a new guy and started to like him. It so happened that we had to go on a business trip for a long time, we communicated by phone, video calls. After a month of communication we met, he turned out to be a sweet, cheerful young man.

Somehow it happened that 2 weeks after the meeting he began to stay with me, introduced him to his parents. And it seems like we’ve been living together for 4 months, we don’t quarrel, he helps with everyday life, he cares, he’s attentive, reliable, and good. But I don't love him. I feel nothing for him except gratitude.

And then my ex showed up. Within six months he bought a car, took an apartment inloan , started his own business and now asks me to come to him. And I understand that I still love him, that when I talk to him on the phone, I am happy. And another person is waiting at home. And I don't know what to do. Give up on everything and go to him? But it’s also scary to change something in your life; the loss of a loved one was too strong a blow. Here I haveapartment , good job, family, friends. Or leave everything as it is?

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