Mom interfered in choosing a name for my daughter

Mom interfered in choosing a name for my daughter
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I remember how, in the eighth month of pregnancy, I watched some kind of musical program on TV on TV. There was a musical program where they sang a song in the Uighur language called “Gyuzal”.

And then my daughter, hearing this song, seemed to start dancing in my stomach, moreover, when the song ended, the stirring in my stomach immediately stopped.

Whendaughter was born and myMom found out that I want to name my daughter Gyuzal, she persuaded me not to call the child by this name under any circumstances. Mom suggested that I name my daughter anything, but not like that! But I was adamant. Moreover, my husband, by and large, did not care how to name the child, and he did not participate in our disputes.

In the end, I was tired of everything, and I already had to urgently receive a birth certificate and put the child in line for kindergarten, and then I told my husband: “Go to the registry office and call it whatever you want.” He went to the registry office and registered his daughter Guzal.

The name is beautiful, resonant and very suitable for my daughter I am now very glad that I did not succumb to the persuasion of my mother then and did not name my daughter in any other way. Thirty years have passed and I have never regretted that I called her such a beautiful name. She is my beauty!

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