I like other men, but I would never cheat on my husband

I like other men, but I would never cheat on my husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have always liked powerful and authoritative men. Smart, proactive, serious - leaders.

I grew up without a father, which is why, apparently, it was important to get the approval of a man who was authoritative for me. I wanted minethe man was proud of me. A very strange desire, isn’t it?

Now that I havefamily , I very often feel strongly attracted, either to my boss (already ex), or to a client (I work as a lawyer). In turn, these people give me the push and opportunity to climb the career ladder because they value my commitment to my goals, but in reality I just need them to praise me. Over time, this all develops into the crossing of personal boundaries on their part, and I begin to notice ambiguous glances and touches.

I value my family, that’s why it’s taboo for me to cross the line, because it won’t lead either the man or me to anything good. I have a family, children,husband , history, shared past anda future that you don’t want to destroy. My husband is good, but sophisticated and trusting.

Key issues in the family are up to me to decide; my husband often test-antibiotic.com himself needs support and praise. He's smart and funny, that's why I married him, but he's not authoritative.

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