My experience of life with Alphonse

My experience of life with Alphonse
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I had a situation similar to the one described in this story. And it also seemed that the whole snag was in the proposal.

I make good money and I gladly invest a fair amount in my house, which I built myself, so that it is beautiful and bright. Yes, and household "little things" in the form of utility bills, repairs,products , household chemicals and so on - all this costs money.

The guy lived with me for several years. I tried to timidly hint to him that it would be cool if he financially participated in all this cozy splendor, and not just washed the dishes after dinner. All his contributions consisted in the fact that he sometimes brought budget champagne and similar "candy-bouquets" for romantic evenings. But, of course, this is far fromevery day . And the longer a beloved man sits on his neck and does nothing, the less women have a need to spend romantic evenings with him - here it isfruits are powerless.

For several years, he could not find a job to his liking and suffered greatly from this, all tried to open his own business right away, desperately doing something, but there was not enough experience. And one day I gathered my courage and asked the guy resolutely to find a stable income for every day, and to search for myself in my free time. She started talking about the child, about the fact that for some time I would not be able to work because of this. Since I built housing for myself alone, it would not accommodate a large family with children, I raised the question of a possible expansion, but not at my expense.

And I was immediately accused of the most terrible commercialism. From such a turn, I lost my nerves, I had to ask to clear the room.

The guy not only did not understand that he lived at my expense. He generally believed that he had never lived anywhere at anyone’s expense, since before me he lived only with his mother, who supported and did not impose any duties (I don’t consider vacuuming the carpet once a week a burden).

Conclusion: you need to learn to recognize gigolos in advance. They sometimes disguise themselves very nicely as up-and-coming geniuses with great potential. That's when you think: of course, I will help my loved one in difficult times, lend a shoulder, inspire, restore faith in myself, feed and warm, but it is important that these minutes do not turn into years.

Oh yes, all this time we were married, which he sometimes reproached me with. Like, you didn’t believe that I was serious about you, but I went to the registry office with you, what else do you want from me, you mercenary bitch. And it was unpleasant for me to remember the wedding itself, which I paid for myself in the end, as if not inmarriage entered, and something shameful officially registered.

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