My husband demands delicious food every day

My husband demands delicious food every day
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm sick ofthink about what to cook for breakfast, dinner and lunch every day . And my husband also needs to pack for work; he doesn’t want to eat sandwiches. For lunch he demands at least two dishes, and on the weekend he also demands “something tasty.” But I want to come home from work and just relax, like on weekends.

My husband is indignant when I suggest just ordering pizza, he says it’s expensive, and he still wants to eat after it. He said that now there are a lot of different recipes on the Internet, if only I had the desire to cook. My mother-in-law also asks every time what we have for dinner, she worries that her son won’t be hungry.

Found itrecipe for pies, I decided to bake it so thatmy husband fell behind, had finally eaten enough, and could take it to work for tea. I'm not very good with the test, but I thought that after watching the video, I could do it too. My pies didn’t turn out well, which is not surprising. How can you give a recipe that says 142 grams of sugar, 285 grams of flour... Who are these proportions intended for? Or to make look professional?

How do you cope with everyday cooking, please share. I envy those who live alone and can afford not to cook and eat as they please.

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