Should I tell my friend the truth about my family life?

Should I tell my friend the truth about my family life?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

A few years ago, I stopped talking to a friend of mine. There were many reasons for that. But the decisive moment was when I leftmarried to the "inappropriate" party from the point of view of the girlfriend.

Since even before I met my husband, relations with my friend began to deteriorate, we rarely saw each other, she was not aware that I had started dating someone. Knowing my friend's views on life, I had no doubt that my futureher husband won't like it. Because he has a working specialty, he does not have a higher education, he is not a rich man and comes from a village.

Not everything in my future husband was perfect, and I didn’t really love him, but he loved me, I really never had anyone, and it was time to get married, he was a good person. And I made this decision. A friend dreamed all her life of marrying a rich man. In a man, she was interested in whether there isapartment , car, prestigious job.

I doubted whether it was worth inviting her to the wedding at all. After all, the relationship has worsened, and she will be shocked by my choice of As a result, she called at the last moment, which offended her. As I expected, my husband did not delight her. But I didn't expect ridicule. And they were. Several times after the wedding, we met with a friend, she asked how my family life was, I told something about our plans and life, and she giggled and said something maliciously. Like, oh, what a treasure you found, what are you boasting about. And I did not brag, but simply concentrated on the pluses of my marriage. At some stage, I realized that this was simply turning into an insult, and that it could not be tolerated. And I ended the relationship with my girlfriend completely.

Several years have passed. It so happened that with all my friends (there were not so many of them), my paths parted. And I sometimes remembered this friend, because our communication was fun at the time. And I thought that, in principle, I took too much to heart many things that worsened our relationship before my marriage. I wanted some real friendship, and it was just friendship. And now, when I don’t even have a word to say to anyone, I understand that just a friend is also not bad. True friendship is something very rare.

And I congratulated my ex-girlfriend on one holiday. She readily responded. A correspondence ensued. She is abroad now, she wants to meet when she arrives. I agree, but I myself think whether it is worth doing it.

And here is the question itself. What should I tell my friend about my marriage and my husband? We have been married for 5 years. Eatchild . From the outside, everything is fine. My husband earns not so badly, he even bought a car, however, on credit, I'm on maternity leave, the house has a lot of new furniture and repairs (I used to be very complex that my house was not as beautiful as my friend's). If desired, there is something to brag about. Moreover, the girlfriend is stillnot married , complex because of this, but still expects to marry the prince. She always dreamed of children, and I know for sure that she is a little jealous that I have a child. Well, both the car and the home renovation should impress her.

But only this is all a beautiful picture, because in fact the husband turned out to be a bad person, we constantly squabble like two dogs, I get sick (I hide the disease from others, and I always hid it from my friend). My life is not a joy to me, I still love another person, I am driven by housework like a horse, and my husband still thinks that I am not trying hard.

Some people around know about it. Neighbors who hear disgusting scandals (a friend lives in the same house, there may be mutual acquaintances that I don’t know about). A classmate who became my child's godmother but lives in another country, and I'm not sure she didn't tell someone about my husband's true character.

That is, you can hide something bad in my life, but I don’t want to lie and show off my home paradise when everything is not so good. Moreover, a friend may well know the truth. But I don't want to complain either. This may please her, because was our parting, her resentment for having invited me to the wedding at the last moment, perhaps feelings that she does not have a family. And it will not be possible to get around this topic in a conversation.

So I don’t know what to talk about with my girlfriend if we meet. And is it worth it to meet at all?

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