Father made our family unhappy

Father made our family unhappy
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read a story about a tyrant father, and now I’ll tell you about my father. I'm 30 years old and I already haveson . Mymy father beat me when I became a mother and leftmarried _

He runs a business, I help him. I have younger brothers and sisters and I try my best for them to get a higher education, I help my father save money on work, combining three jobs for a minimum salary.

With the advent of old age, he lost control of his speech altogether. At the slightest issue, he insults the workers with a variety of words, and constant phrases like “I’ll kill you,” “you have no future,” “you’ll never be happy,” “you’re a complete loser,” don’t you dare, don’t you dare, and stuff like that . I’ve already gotten used to hearing this since childhood and just live and work. He beat his mother and kicked his children.

Once, when I was five years old, he put a knife to my throat and sat there for about five minutes, repeating that he was about to stab me. There was no one at home. The next day he suddenly wanted to punish himself and leave test-antibiotic.com life and we, as usual, all felt sorry for him. It also happened that my parents hid me at home because I had a black bruise on half my face and a swollen head.

I just understand that he is sick. And he can't be helped. I suppress cruelty and tyranny by threatening the police, etc. And I just help you work. His words no longer surprise or frighten me. I’m just glad that I hear it, I turn it off, I’ve learned not to think about anything at all at such moments. I only know that he is sick and has already been punished, no one loves him and will never love him. There is no special pity for him either, no respect. Only very weak individuals are capable of killing everything good around them. You just know this clearly, and God bless you all with health and patience!

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