Why have I lost interest in studying?

Why have I lost interest in studying?
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I'm 16 years old, I'm in 10th grade. She was an excellent student until that time. Now something incomprehensible is happening in life. I can’t even name the significant onesProblems .

I'm tired of everything, I don't want absolutely anything. Lost any interest in life. However, at the same time, I have a favorite thing that I do - equestriansport . At school my grades dropped. The worst thing is that I don’t even want to correct the bad grades, although the teachers demand and wonder what is happening to me, where did that ideal student go. I don't want to explain anything to anyone. If only because I myself don’t understand what’s happening to me. Depression every day. The mood couldn't be worse. At the same time, it changes very often. This didn't happen before. There are no bright thoughts. It feels like I don’t live, but simply exist: I go to school because I have to, I eat and sleep because I have to, I do something because I have to. But there is no interest. There's not even any motivation.

I come home after school, I don’t want to sit down for homework, I can’t even think about it. I can come like this and lie test-antibiotic.com for the rest of the day. But in the end, your conscience plays and you have to do your homework. Although I do it anyway. Also constant insomnia. I can't sleep before two o'clock in the morning. I feel like I live in a timeless space. I tried to relax during school holidays. I was at home the whole week of the holidays, lying and watching TV. There was no desire to even get up and start doing something. The holidays are over, I go to school - everything is the same, absolutely nothing has changed. I tried to help myself, but the maximum that lasts me is 4 days. Not more. Then the same thing starts again. Bad thoughts appear. I’m not going to tell my parents, because with themThe relationship is not developing very well. But there is a person who wants to help, but he has little experience in this matter.

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