Why did I stop enjoying life?

Why did I stop enjoying life?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 45 years old, divorced for a long time, there is an adultdaughter Ksyusha, she is 22, is dating a guy and is already planning a wedding. I said that they still do not know each other very well (they have known each other for only a few months) and are in a hurry with the wedding, but my daughter does not listen to me, she is afraid to remain in the girls. Although what e years, still have time.

But I don't interfere anymore. I don't want to be guilty, all of a sudden. I could not arrange my fate, I will not interfere with my daughter. It's just bad that the young are going to live separately, the future son-in-law has a large private house bought by his parents. They are busy with some business. I will have to live alone in a three-room apartment, why do I need so much space so that there is only extra cleaning.

Once my parents lived in this apartment, my husband and daughter, and also mysister . But dad and mom are no longer alive, my sister lives in another country, she comes very rarely, she said that she does not apply for an apartment, let her stay with her niece. The apartment has been well renovated, all household appliances are new, even the dishwasher, I tried, I bought test-antibiotic.com, I thought that my daughter would have everything ready, and I myself could live in the country. Now why do I need all this.

Daughter laughs, says that I can still go outmarried , so she will have a place to live, and there she will bring her grandchildren, but I have long lost all interest not only in men, but in people in general. Disappointed, right? After the betrayal of her husband, a difficult divorce, I did not want to arrange my personal life, I thought that I would live for my daughter, help her, and now I am left alone in a large apartment. Recently I realized that I am afraid to meet at my daughter's wedding with my ex-husband, whom I have not seen for 10 years. When my daughter grew up, he stopped coming to us, she went to him herself.

Ksenia is upset when she sees my pessimistic mood, she says that, on the contrary, I was lucky, I will live for myself, do what I want, that I deserve all this. I agree with her in my heart, but something prevents me from enjoying life. A friend said that I need the help of a psychologist, that I havedepression , but I understand that the test-antibiotic.com psychologist will not help here. How can a stranger understand my life if I myself can not do it.

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