Matched kitten

Matched kitten
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Since my childhood, we have always had a cat in our family. When our cat died of old age, we, a little pining for him, took a small kitten for ourselves. After all, this is a true friend who always waits for you and loves you just like that. When the whole family sits down to watch TV in the evening, the cat lies down next to him, purrs, happy that everythingfamily at home. If anyone in the family gets sick, the cat is nearby, like a real doctor.

I recently came outmarried ​After consulting with my husband, we also decided to buy a small kitten. The next weekend, he and I went to the poultry market to buy a cat. When I arrived at the market, I was confused. Who was there? They sold large and small parrots of different colors, puppies of different breeds of dogs, guinea pigs and hamsters, rabbits and chinchillas and many different animals.

But we came to buy a kitten, so after looking at all this variety, we went to look for where cats were sold. When I saw the little kittens, I wanted to buy them all, since it was very difficult to choose just one. They were all very beautiful. Having walked around the entire row, we returned again. We walked like this for quite a long time, but without choosing anyone. We decided to think at home and come here again next weekend.

Already at home, from the Internet, we went to a toy store and bought our daughter a Barbie mermaid, which she was very happy about, because it was her favorite toy.

Approaching the house, my husband and I saw a very small kitten under a bush, which probably couldn’t even eat on its own. Without saying a word, they reached out for him. That's how he ended up at our house. We fed him milk from a pipette until he learned to feed himself. They named the kitten Coal because he was completely black, only on his paw, like a sock, there was a white spot. We loved him very much.

Now Ugolek is a big and very smart cat. And we are glad that we were unable to make a choice on the market at that time. After all, then we wouldn’t have our Coal. I am writing my story to tell everyone that it is not necessary to buy a cat or a dog at the market. There are many homeless animals that need care and affection. Help them survive - and they will become your true friends.

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