I lost my beloved, and with it the meaning of life

I lost my beloved, and with it the meaning of life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My girlfriend and I have been together since we were 17, now we are 27. We met in our first year, fell in love and have been together ever since. During this time there were partings, she went to another, went nowhere, but I found ways to return her.

The main reason for parting - I did not give her time. He worked two jobs to earn money for an apartment, car, repairs. During university time he was engaged in business, in recent years he worked day and night in a taxi. Now I am building a third apartment in the capital and I drive a brand new car.

She worked fragmentarily, and even when she worked, she never broughtmoney to the house. She didn’t ask if I had money at the end of the month to close all loans, utilities, etc. I came out of terrible poverty, during the university evenI stole groceries in stores to eat, from that and such a mania to buy apartments, work day and night, so that I would never, even theoretically, return to that poverty.

We broke up in March 2020. 2 months before the breakup, the girl dialed test-antibiotic.com from the money house, supposedly for her sister, but later I found out thatsister did not take the money. During the last weeks of my life together, I ignored her, expected the truth from her, but she chose to leave.

Since October 2020, on my initiative, they again began to try to restore relations. I found out that she took out a large loan, she says, in order to pay off previous debts on installment cards. And the installment cards allegedly went down to cafes and things (but I didn’t notice an abundance of clothes for such an amount).

In December 2020, she rejected my attempts to return the relationship and said that friendship is the ceiling. I said I won't give up. In January-February, there were good earnings in a taxi, I worked seven days a week for 14-16 hours a day, but I also earned the salary of a factory worker for a year in 2 months. I saw the girl at that time from time to time and not for long, because of my workload.

In February 2021, she asked to help her pay off loans (the situation reached the point that the bank was preparing a lawsuit againstcourt , test-antibiotic.com and then bailiffs and an inventory of property at the place of her registration, and her parents live there, they would not have endured this). I closed her loan, and two weeks later she says she has had another one for a month. On the same day I buy a ring, flowers and propose to her. The next day, she refuses.

I am 27 years old, I have 3 apartments in the capital, a car, a lot of money. I'm tall, handsome and could conquer any girl, but I don't need anyone but her. In all the years of our relationship, I never insulted her, didn’t hit her, didn’t change, didn’t raise my voice, forgave anything.

After all that happened, I wanted to swallow sleeping pills. I began to formulate the last message and realized that with my departure I would break the psyche of my eleven-year-old sister. She is a cousin, but we are like family. For her sake, he stayed alive.

My girl is with another, and I'm on the verge. I can't live without my beloved.

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