Lustful Saint

Lustful Saint
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 22 years old, I live with my mother and brother. A few days ago we had guests. An old friend of my uncle arrived with his wife and children, he is 43 years old, and she is 30, they have been married for more than 15 years. It seemed strange to me, because then she was only 15. They are Jehovah's Witnesses, go in for sports, and he pampers her very much and is inferior in everything.

I tried to be hospitable and friendly with everyone, but since the eye sees a beautiful girl, I looked at her more often. And now there are several situations where I caught her eye and we all looked into each other's eyes and smiled. There was a feast at home and many guests gathered, everyone knows each other, relatives, and she most often looks into my eyes. Later she decided to speak to me, first in front of strangers, then in front of her husband. She asked about my profession and straightened her blouse, barely exposing her chest, she passed it on to me. Herher husband yelled at her, saying: “Are you ill? Wake up, go and wash." She pretended that did not hear him and continued to talk to me nicely.

We have blurred glass doors from the bathroom, when we take a shower you can see the silhouette. When we bathe, we always hang up a towel to cover, and only she does not do this. Everything was very visible from the chair, and when she came out again, she looked at me. Then she asked me about some things that she could do herself, supposedly she could not get it, she stood on her toes and asked for help to get it, but she herself did not leave from there. Then we all walk in the park, and she constantly hurts me. I deliberately began to provoke her to become close, she constantly passed with her hips so as to hurt, and while walking, so that her hands would touch, and all this with her husband, but he did not see. And so many times. Then she will communicate with the girls, and I talked with the guys, she turned her gaze at me and began to continue to tell me what she said to the girls.

We already communicate freely on you, but what's holding me back is that this is just in two days. I also noticed how she rejects him sometimes, and he jokes stupidly and ridiculously about her. He took her as a child, you can say, and does not give any freedom, forbids communication in social networks, requires just sitting at home and loving God, and she sincerely believes in this.

Can someone explain to me what's going on? They seem so believers, but what does she want? Why is she behaving like this?


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