
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

You looked at me with regret and said that it was better to leave, that you didn’t deserve me, that I deserved better. I wanted to scream why you decide what I need in this life, but I remained silent. Now you're gone and the house is completely empty and I don't know what to do. I hug the robe that I forgot, it still has your scent on it, so familiar andfavorite _

I knew that I was not perfect, but I thought that I would cover my shortcomings with love, but how wrong I was. I know that you won’t come back, even if you regret leaving, you are as proud as I am. I want you to be happy, even if not with me, but I’m afraid this won’t happen, because I know you better than you know yourself, and this makes me suffer even more.

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