Provincial in the office

Provincial in the office
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


Some time ago we had a new employee in our office. A provincial, she came to the capital from Western Ukraine. Naturally, for all our refined metropolitan public, she immediately became a target for ridicule and mockery. It's always like that in the women's team. Remember Ryazanov in "Office Romance"? “Yes, look around, here she is, sitting in the back, in terrible roses.”

No, in the west of the country there are a lot of cities, the inhabitants of which will outdo many metropolitan ladies in terms of education and taste. But our girl was from the village. She didn’t shine with wardrobes, she didn’t even know how to use makeup properly. Naturally, this annoyed our office “socialites” a lot, one might say, even infuriated.

But the young employee remained invariably friendly to everyone, at the same time she clearly knew her job, did not allow herself to be pushed and did not particularly strive to get close to anyone.

A year has passed, they somehow got used to our “village woman”, there were fewer ridicule. Either they got tired of mocking a person who, in general, did not give any reason, or the "socialites" switched to a more familiar occupation - washing each other's bones.

Another outbreak of rejection of was caused by the appointment of our provincial to the position of deputy head of the department. How so, without a year a week (even without a week - a year) and suddenly such an appointment ?! Some have been working here for over ten years! But, in fact, there was nothing to complain about - thin, modestthe girl plowed for three like an ox. Without hiding the sources of their ability to work: in the villages, everyone works like this - from dawn to dusk.

But a real rebellion in our quiet backwater was caused by a business trip abroad, in which none of our office lionesses fell, but the modest provincial woman was taken immediately and unconditionally. The management had to slightly straighten the brains of our women's team. At the next planning meeting, something like this dialogue took place between the director and one of the employees:

- Do you want to go? No problem, how is your English?

- With dictionary.

- I see, but with Romanian and Polish?

- No way.

— And with Ukrainian?

- Well, I understand.

- But she knows perfectly, in addition to Ukrainian and Russian, also Polish and Romanian, she speaks fluent English.

It turns out that everything is like that in their village - knows Polish, Romanian, Ukrainian and Russian. And in the old days, everyone also knew Yiddish with German. Well, the girl learned English herself, at the institute - the more languages ​​you know, the easier it is to teach others. Here is such a provincial.

So, dear ladies, not all girls get their high positions and salaries through bed. No matter how much your pride would not like to believe in this stereotype.


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