My mom's behavior is annoying

My mom's behavior is annoying
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My mother's intemperance irritates me. It's ingrained in our familyhabit of watching movies together on weekends. And every time it arisesquarrel between parents whenMom begins to comment on this or that scene. Her exclamations like “I don’t like him”, “doesn’t she see that he’s deceiving her” and stuff like that.

How many times did my dad and I make comments to her about this, saying that she was interfering with watching the film, she promised to remain silent, but not for long. It got to the point wheremy father simply refused to watch even the most interesting film together. I told my mother that normal people discuss the film after they have watched it. But you can’t change mom.

Recently I said that I really liked the film and suggested watching it. Mom promised to sit quietly. But as soon as it started, she bombarded me with questions about what would happen next. Exclamations: “You looked, tell me, will she stay with him? Oh, no, not with him. Same with this, right? Well, tell me, with him or not? For some reason I don't like him at all. I don't want her to choose it. It can’t be with him! So with whom then?

The father simply stood up and silently went to his room. This also annoys me very much, but I can’t offend my mother.

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