Broken bike

Broken bike
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

When I was a child, I stole a bicycle. More precisely, he didn’t even steal it, but forcibly “took it for a ride” from a boy he knew, broke it and intimidated the owner so that he would tell his parents that it was he who broke it. We were children, I was 12, he was about 10 years old. Then it seemed to me that “youngsters” should be taught to “respect their elders.” We got it from the older guys, the kids got it from us. A kind of rural hazing during the summer holidays. And since I was also a “local” village guy, and he was a “city wimp,” it was simply necessary to spread rot on him.

I felt ashamed of myaction almost immediately. I was afraid that his parents would come to sort things out with mine, and I would get seriously screwed. But he didn’t tell anyone anything and I was pleased that everything turned out so “well”.

Gradually we grew up, became wiser, and our principles of life also changed. This guy also grew up, became a tall guy, one and a half times heavier than me. And heavier not due to fat... Now I lived with a feeling of fear,every day fearing his revenge for that ill-fated bicycle. But surprisingly, he didn’t touch me. Not because he was still afraid, and he had plenty of friends. Probably he was just disdainful. When we met by chance, he pretended not to notice me, and sometimes he looked at me in such a special way and one could read in his gaze: I remember everything, you should be afraid of me, because... I haven't decided what to do with you yet.

I have long since repented of what I did. Not out of fear (although, to be honest, that’s also why), I just grew up and realized that you can’t take someone else’s, that you need to be responsible for your actions and that there will always be someone who is stronger and smarter than you. I don't know what to do, how to find peace of mind. Perhaps mineConfession here will help me with this, because... I don’t go to church and I don’t believe in priests.

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