dog's heart

dog's heart
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


When I remember my childhood, I constantly see a big and cheerful dog in front of my eyes. Strange. Is it true? I spent my childhood practically not being at home, especially in winter, when you can ride down an ice slide and build snow castles. After school, I ran to that same hill and stayed there until the evening.

One fun snowy day I was returning from school. The way home lay through the hill and, succumbing to the temptation, I nevertheless went to make the first descent. When I was going down, I saw a big dog down at the very hill. The speed increased and I was driving straight at him! All! And the dog sat sideways to me and calmly looked at the approaching me. I tried with all my might to hold on to the ice so as not to get into his teeth, and it did work! I stopped 3 meters from the dog, lying on my stomach and not moving! The dog came up to me and sat next to me, after which he began to lick my hand. I immediately realized that he would not cause me any harm, and after a moment we were running and playing. I named him Beam from

So a week passed. ANDevery day Bim met me near the hill and escorted me home from it. And again I ran up the hill to see my friend. I always brought him food. It was striking that he did not enter our yard, but was waiting for me outside the yard or on a hill. He could come himself and bark under the windows, then I brought him food and we ran up the hill!

Spring came, the hill melted, and we continued to be friends with Bim. I began to notice that the dog was a little sad and inactive. Often licked his hands and whined. Once I brought him lunch, he reluctantly ate it and began to whine again. After that, he somehow stared at me and whined, then pounced and began to lick. I laughed all the way! We played and I had to go back. When we got home, I once again called him into the yard, but to no avail. Bim came up to me and began to look again, I will remember this look forever. He seemed to be smiling through his tears. Then trudged into place.

At night I woke up because of barking. I immediately recognized who it was. Bim barked under the windows, barked through whining, through tears! I opened the curtain, the light of the lantern illuminated the dog. I opened the window, called him, but as soon as he saw me, he rushed to run away and at the same time whined loudly ...

In the morning, when I went to school, Bim was sleeping on the road, yes, he was sleeping, although without breathing and in a strange position, I completely believed that he was sleeping. I didn't go to school, I sat and waited for him to wake up. My parents took me away, I came home in hysterics and shock. Bimka is dead. But he warned me! I will never forget that unnatural look for a dog. And in a dream, he also comes to play with me! Beam…


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