It's scary to live in such a society

It's scary to live in such a society
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This year I am already a graduating student at a decent high school in our city. Our school is an indicator for other educational institutions. I will not name the city and school number to avoid any nuances. I would like to share with you an interesting, true and slightly shocking story. It's about the students at my elementary school.

I remember myself at their age and understand that we were different. Now they are too “smart” and are pumping even teachers’ licenses. At the age when we learned rhymes by heart,
modern primary school students play games on their phones and watch primitive bloggers on TikTok. Children fight in the hallway during breaks, boys beat girls, even high school students. Teachers pretend everything is fine!

I don't understand how this can happen at school? After all, beforethe teacher was an authority for any student. When I hear my parents’ stories about their studies at school, I can’t even imagine that a modern school could be like this.

What happened to people? These children will grow up and bring only negativity to society, and even a threat. I'm scared to even think about it.

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