How to deal with unbalanced teachers?

How to deal with unbalanced teachers?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Mymy daughter is in second grade, active, and also enjoys studying, but for some reason the teacher is dissatisfied with her. She says her behavior is bad and she’s not attentive. At home, Masha says that the teacher in class constantly yells at them. I thought that she was trying to justify herself, but it turned out that other children were also talking about the same thing at home. To sort this out, all the parents decided to get together and talk to the teacher after school. When we told her about this, she did not agree for a long time, citing being busy, and kept postponing the meeting with us. We decided that if there was a problem with the children and the teacher was really worried about them, then she herself would gather us for a meeting, but we had to wait a long time for a meeting with her.

During this time, Irina Borisovna must have prepared well and thought through everything, since the meeting began immediately with the fact that our children are stupid, lazy and disobedient. She also has “favorites”, to whom she gives good grades, gives out certificates of encouragement after each quarter, and tells our children that they don’t deserve it. After that, my daughter walked home from school with tears in her eyes from resentment and asked me all the way why she wasn’t given the same certificate. Children, after all, understand that those who have received a diploma do not study particularly well, but simply go to additional classes with the same teacher, which are paid for by their parents. The rest don’t have extra money for this, and I, for example, think that my child doesn’t need such classes yet, we can handle it ourselves, not to mention the money.

When we all said that we would complain to the director, Irina Borisovna immediately turned the conversation to the fact that her work was difficult and her salary was low. She said that there are two small children at home, from whom she is tired, and here the children are also naughty, so she sometimes breaks into a scream, which she now regrets, and apologizes to us and the children. We are all human and understand it, but no one wants their child to be taught and raised by an unbalanced teacher who is constantly in a bad mood. We decided to leave everything,, as it is for now, because no one wants to start a scandal. And I want to talk to my daughter separately about whatteacher doingremark , he wants only the best and therefore you need to behave accordingly, with respect. What else remains?

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