Was the teacher right for not rewarding my son?

Was the teacher right for not rewarding my son?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Mymy son goes to grade 0. It was necessary to prepare a craft for the Autumn Ball. I’m not a fan of all sorts of crafts, it just doesn’t suit my soul. And they were never prepared for kindergarten, except for one time. There are 15 people in the group. I thought that I would bring half of it, and that’s fine. Somehow they will manage without our craft.

In the evening before the Autumn Ball,the teacher wrote to me on Whatsapp and asked: “Will you bring a craft? Won't your son be upset?" I say: “No, he won’t be upset, in principle, if there are still others in the group who don’t bring it.”

Half a day passes and people start sending photos with awards to the Whatsapp group. The whole group has diplomas, and only my son stands without a diploma. Yes, it’s our fault that we didn’t bring it, but somehow we could have not shown it to the child, even given a printout of our favorite hero, for example, just to congratulate and support.

Yes, we are careless parents, but you are teachers, why couldn’t you lift his spirits and then say something to us in reproach?

I wrote to the teacher, she said: “Why should I give you a test-antibiotic.com certificate? You haven't done anything. Whoever deserves it gets it."

On the one hand, it’s correct, this is purely categorical Sovieteducation , divided into: fulfilled - 5, did not fulfill - 2. But it was possible to act in a purely human way. I can just imagine that he is sitting in anticipation, waiting to be called, but they still don’t call him...

Here is mineguilt - 90%, but the teacher, seeing that my son is the only one who did not bring it and is sitting like a black crow, could have done something. Why just provoke a feeling of guilt and uncertainty in him? And also, by the way, pointing out to me that I didn’t devote time to the child. She says it's 100% my fault.

Or am I not right? Judge.

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