Building a house in a civil marriage

Building a house in a civil marriage
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We are building a house in a civil marriage. On my territory (the former house burned down during the disaster). I earn all the money for construction. My husband is only involved in organizing construction and partially builds it himself (most of it is built by a team and hired workers, whom I also pay). The husband also organizes the purchase and delivery of building materials.

Recently, he began to talk about the fact that I should register the house (share or something else) in his name. At the same time, we live entirely on my funds (food , clothing, utility bills). My husband has 10 thousand left from his salary, the spending of which I have only an idea of ​​(cigarettes, sometimes spare parts, gasoline). If I ask him to buy something, he does it, but with great reluctance. If he has some additional income, he tries to spend it so that it is invested in his property (which is a car or buys expensive tools for workers).

He has two children from his first marriages, so part of his salary goes there (child support for one child and tuition for another). I have an adultdaughter from a previous marriage ( does not claim anything). I am growing dissatisfied with the fact thata man , living on my means, sets conditions for a share in the house where, as he thinks, he is investing enough through his participation in the construction.

However, the other day he stated thathe doesn’t want to register a marriage with me (I never wanted this myself, especially to change my last name), because he was offended by the latest situation in the family. And there was a small scandal about my delay in my daughter’s trip. So, he doesn’t want to register the marriage, but he set a condition - to register part of the house “by any means” in his name (half, as I understand it).

What to do in such a situation? All my earnings go to construction and our maintenance. His relatives are very supportive of his position (I think they advised him), although I had no idea that, as his relatives say, “you build a house, and she will kick you out.” But now I'm thinking about it.

At the moment I live on the territory of his relatives (his old grandfather’s house), and we are building our house. My husband manages construction money quite easily, but it’s all about Recently I complained that there was not enough money left for construction and said that, as I understand it, I should take out a loan. Well, who else? This is the situation.

When the former house was intact, he made repairs in it (also at my expense, sometimes he contributed his own) and the relatives constantly encouraged her that there was no point in making it beautiful, she needed to think about her children. This is the situation. What do you think?

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