The fat husband left for another

The fat husband left for another
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read Tolstoy's storya girl who is shymy husband and I understand him.

When my husband started to gain weight, I suggested a morning jog, but he was very lazy. It’s my own fault, I saw that his parents were very plump, and he himself was well-fed, but I thought that he would want to change for my sake.

Conflicts began when I started preparing light meals and more salads for dinner. The husband began to be indignant; he was used to eating a lot and fillingly, like his parents. My mother-in-law always prepares a lot of food; everything comes with mayonnaise, even pasta and potatoes. I can’t understand how anyone can eat this, I feel sick at their table.

Last summer we went to the sea. I was embarrassed with my husband on the beach; from afar he looked like a fat woman over 60! I told him: “look at yourself in the mirror, how can you be so ugly and calm at the same time?” The husband was offended, but he didn’t want to swim or run along the shore in the morning anymore. The vacation was ruined; we didn’t talk on the way back.

With all this, I did not intend to divorce him, but it turned out that a month later my husband packed his things and left home. I thought that he would go to his parents, sulk and return, but he applied fordivorce and said that he lives with a girl and is going to get married. Then it turned out that they were working together, hepregnant , and as soon as her husband found out about it, he went to her.

I'm shocked! Even with such weight, appearance,My husband had a mistress! I don’t understand girls who don’t care who they’re with, just to beMarried .

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