Leave or fight for the relationship?

Leave or fight for the relationship?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I never thought that I would ever ask myself thisquestion , because everything was fine. I'm crazy about him, and he's crazy about me. But something turned upside down in an instant, for no apparent reason.

We've been together for almost five years. I am a third year student, he graduateduniversity and is already in a place of honor for a fairly serious company. During this time, he became everything to me - my man, friend, brother, and even mom and dad after my parents divorced.

I feel good with him. Calm, reliable, warm, but all this before any of his phrases, which turns everything in me! And as soon as this happens, I don’t want anything and am ready to give everything just to be away from him. I can't understand myself. He is my ideal, but sometimes I don’t want to be with him.

We do not live together, we are going to get married when I graduate from university. He says that he cannot imagine life without me, I am also the only person close to him to whom he opened his soul. We shop test-antibiotic.com together, watch cartoons, play games and discuss the books we have read. In a word, complete mutual understanding. Recently he let it slip that he was going to propose, and for some reason I’m not at all happy about it.

How to learn to appreciate what you have? And that's itfriends unanimously say that we need to hold on to each other. And it seems to me that oursthe relationship was ruined by me, my humiliations, insults.

Now this, however, has long been gone, there are no emotions in me. No anger when we fight, no joy when we make peace. He knows about this, but firmly believes that I love him. And I, of course, love him, but these oddities of mine always spoil everything, and all that remains is a soulless emptiness, which I am very afraid of.

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