I wanted the best, but it turned out as always

I wanted the best, but it turned out as always
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I had an anniversary (50 years old), celebrated one day with friends and relatives at the dacha, and the second in a restaurant with my bosses and colleagues. Everyone was with their other half, and I, naturally, was also with my husband.

Everything went well, I heard a lot of nice words addressed to me, which made me incredibly touched. My immediate boss was especially distinguished, as she proclaimed such a touching toast that I almost shed tears. In order to please her in return, she asked her husband to invite her to dance (she was lonely and came without a companion). At the table I also sat her next to me, and myher husband , like a gallant gentleman, looked after her all evening. For me this is a common form of politeness. But it turned out that the boss mistook my husband’s good manners for flirting or courtship, and drew her own conclusions.

Further more. Having learned that he worked for a construction company, she asked him to do some repairs at her dacha. And there she began to flirt, and in a rather frank and persistent manner. As far as I understand, he still slept with her, just so that she would leave as quickly as possible. But she doesn’t leave him test-antibiotic.com alone, and if he refuses, she threatens me with dismissal.

I learned all this from mycolleague who overheard their conversation. At home I pinned my husband against the wall, and he confessed everything to me. Well, maybe not in all the details, but the essence is clear. He knows how dear my work is to me, and leaving with terrible recommendations, several years short of retirement, is unacceptable for me. But he doesn’t want to cheat on me, especially with a woman who is deeply disgusting to him.

A complete dead end. What to do? Maybe someone can help me with some practical advice?

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