I can’t fit into the new team

I can’t fit into the new team
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

After a long search for work, I recently got a job in a good company, with a decent salary and, most importantly, close to home. I was so happy at first that I didn’t notice that at this timeIt will be difficult for me to fit into the team . At my previous job I hada friend with whom we could talk about everything, we went to a cafe for lunch together. We are still on good terms with many former work colleagues; we keep in touch. There's some kind of team herestrange , everyone to their own and it’s unusual for me.

The noise also bothers me:colleagues talk loudly on the phone, someone constantly turns on the radio, doI don’t want to make a remark , since I’m new and almost no one talks to me anyway, everyone ignores me. I try to communicate with everyone only about work, not to get involved in anything and not to gossip, so as not to get into an awkward situation. If I don’t understand something about work and ask, only a few explain it, the rest simply brush it off or then scoff. I get so nervous that sometimes I even feel bad.

When are they going to drink?coffee , they never call me, and I feel like a stranger here. When I received my first salary, I bought a cake and sweets and invited everyone for tea to celebrate. Everyone looked at me like I was an alien. I asked if it’s customary here to celebrate such events in a different way, but I didn’t receive any intelligible answer. I was both offended and ashamed, I left everything on the table, and in the evening I treated it to the cleaning ladies, I couldn’t take it all back.

I understand that good and friendly teams are rare, but I didn’t think it would be to this extent. I can’t afford to change jobs, I’ve been looking for so long and I consider myself lucky, especially with the salary. I hope that everything will change at least a little for the better over time, maybe someone new will come along with whom we can communicate.

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