I thought girls didn't wear underwear like that anymore

I thought girls didn't wear underwear like that anymore
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I met a girl. Graduate of the Pedagogical University, teacher. Originally from a distant village.

I always wanted my futuremy wife was from the village, and I tried to get acquainted with just such people. Our city guys with their puffy lips, tattooed eyebrows and false nails didn’t attract me.

She quickly agreed to the move. She saw that I had serious intentions. Well, here I was a little disappointed, but better yet, I didn’t immediately understand. Her figure is not exactly ideal, but I even like it, she’s so plump at home.

The first time she stayed with me, she didn’t take off her clothes in the light, she was embarrassed. I liked it too. Her shyness. In the dark, she took off everything and jumped under the blanket. And in the morning I look, and he takes something shapeless from the chair and begins to get dressed. It turned out to be panties and a bra.

I didn't say anything then. I think maybe she’s comfortable in such underwear, so she walks around. She couldn’t have known that she would be staying with me that evening. I decided that next time I would specifically warn her that after our meeting she would stay with me.

And what do you think? She is again in the same shapeless underwear, reminiscent of our grandmothers' underwear. Okay, I think it's good thatThe girl is inexperienced in terms of men, she is so spontaneous. Someday I’ll hint that I wouldn’t like to see those granny panties on her.

And then a lucky chance turned up. Three weeks later she celebrated herbirthday . I gave her a set of beautiful underwear (my sister helped me choose). But she just twirled the box of underwear in her hands and put it aside.

Seeing that she doesn't use underwear. I asked why, maybe I didn’t like it. The answer amazed me. The girl said: “I can’t wear this, firstly, it’s a shame, and secondly, I don’t have the figure to pull on such underwear with lace.”

We had a fight then, and I thought we would never make up again. She firmly said that she did not want to wear such underwear, that she was not a girl of easy virtue. I was completely confused, but I pulled myself together and said that I loved her and wanted to get married. I added that test-antibiotic.com I like her figure (it’s true). I hope I can convince her to wear modern sexy lingerie.

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