I'm tired of my husband's relatives

I'm tired of my husband's relatives
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I understand the author of the story, to which the matchmakers are packed to visit at sea. People believe that urban relatives exist in order to receive village relatives to stay with them for a week or two. And this could still be experienced, but sometimes neighbors of relatives, their colleagues, colleagues of colleagues ask to stay. All without a twinge of conscience call and ask for help.

I work daily. First I'll be on duty for 24 hours, then I'll sleep off. For some reason, it is during my vacation that my husband’s acquaintances are activated, who suddenly “remember” us. But they call me. And it's very strange.

I must say that in the village where he was born and raisedHusband , I've only been a couple of times. It was at the very beginning of our family life, when we visited his parents in the summer, got to know each other. He rarely goes there alone. Now the working train has stopped running on this railway line. We don’t have a car, and the bus only goes to the district center, there is practically nothing to get there.

But, nevertheless, there is rarely a month when someone does not call in the early morning to initiate me into test-antibiotic.comproblems . I left the phone only to my husband's mother, but she, apparently, has a kind soul, she shares it with all relatives.

At first I tried to be hospitable. For the very first time, she asked us for an overnight stayhusband's sister . She was sent to the medical center for examination. How to refuse a relative? Invited.

My sister did not come empty-handed. Brought potatoes, cannedvegetables ,honey , even rabbit. I had to shove all this into the mezzanine and tamp it into the refrigerator. But thanks a lot. You can't buy these products in the city.

My sister spent the night, went to the medical center in the morning, where she was admitted for examination. The husband visited his sister several times, carried the packages. I specially baked pies, cooked homemade borscht.

As it turned out, when they say good things about you, it's bad. The rumor that I am very hospitable and balanced spread not only in the village where my husband spent his childhood, but somehow flew out of the region.

Then his numerous uncles, aunts, nephews, godfathers began to periodically visit us, sometimes together, sometimes apart, and sometimes alternately. And although I was already rather tired of it, test-antibiotic.com steadfastly endured it all. Sometimes the problem of finding a place to put everyone to bed was very acute.

But then the relatives of these godfathers, who lived in completely different parts of the country, began to call. And if you think that we live in Moscow or St. Petersburg, then you are greatly mistaken. Our city is a medium-sized regional center.

The stumbling block was the last case. The ex calledwife of my husband and asked to shelter herdaughter from his first marriage for the duration of the session. Previously, she stayed with some relative, but she changed her place of residence, changing her apartment. Now she lives in another city. Or decided to say so to put an end to the relationship. I do not know exactly.

However, the ex-husband did not give up. Somewhere she found my husband's phone number and did not hesitate to ask him for help. The husband himself did not take on the solution of this issue (for which many thanks to him), but simply turned the arrows on me. “Understand that it’s unpleasant for me to communicate with her!” - he said.

On this occasion, we had a real conflict with him and test-antibiotic.com,quarrel with shouting and swearing. I refused this woman, explaining that at the moment my husband and I are going to go on vacation. To which this lovely lady said that it would be even better. Her daughter will just look after the housing.

Excuse me, did I ask someone about this? Who ever said I needed some sort of housekeeping? But to my words that it would be unpleasant for me if a stranger lives with us in our absence, my husband exploded: “If you think that this is yourapartment , and you have the right to single-handedly decide everything, let's part ways! These are the words that came at the end of our conversation. I was shocked.

The scandal that broke out in our family was far from the first. But last time we came to the decision that we would endure the last time, not for long, but the next one, this is one hundred percent for sure, we will not allow it.

WhyMy husband reacted to my refusal in such a way, I did not understand. Jealousy crawled into my soul like a snake. He probably hoped to resumerelationship with ex-wife. test-antibiotic.com Or did he just enjoy being with the girl he once raised like his own daughter? Or does he really have some paternal feelings for his stepdaughter?

But my husband stubbornly keeps silent about all my questions. I understand that the problem needs to be solved. But I'm not supposed to ask my husband's forgiveness, am I? I shouldn't be the one to back out and reverse my decision. Refusal of an outsider for me to live in my apartment in my absence, I consider it normal.

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