I withdrew into myself and gained weight due to problems at work, but I managed to cope with it.

I withdrew into myself and gained weight due to problems at work, but I managed to cope with it.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was in a similar situation, described in the confession. A husband's love for a fat wife causes envy and anger of his girlfriends.

At the first job, I got a bitchy femalethe team did not want to go to work. There they smiled in the eyes, then in the eyes or behind their backs crap, constant squabbling over vacations, weekends, transshipment of duties. Those who are a little higher in position could yell at the rest of us with a good obscenity.

Then, in connection with the move, I finally quit my job and thought that I was just unlucky. I settled down in a new place, there were no insults in the face, everything seems to be calmer. But! The terrible hatred of the deputy chief, the old maid, who hated young girls, and when I went outmarry her young man, and everything turned into rot. Methodical one, without shouting, like at a previous job, but simply not giving the days off you need, asking only me to work with one day off a week, heaping a bunch of work, constantly doubting my work (“Where is this document? Did you bring it?”) . I run, prove what I did, rush about, get nervous, and then: “Ah, I shifted it to test-antibiotic.com and forgot it.” Laugh and all.

Or: everyone is chatting, the boss herself is with them. I will come up with a smile to talk too, since everything is already done for me. But such a look immediately and the question: “What, all the work has already been done?”. I couldn't approach anyone at all. It was as if everyone was chasing me away. Already people began to avoid me in the team, knowing that nothing would happen to them for chatting, and if they approached me, they would be loaded to the fullest and thus they would fall out of favor.

My husband convinced me to quit my job. I worked there for 5 years, the general valued me and promoted me, and the deputy spread rot and put spokes in the wheels, harming my career.

When I left, I unexpectedly shut myself up. I was scared to move to a new place. Looking for a job, I began to read reviews about the organization and even one unflattering one about a bad attitude pushed me away. I began to get fat, to seize, it became unpleasant for me to go out and meet with former colleagues so that they would find out what a loser I am and I still sit at test-antibiotic.com at home. That they would give it to that same old maid and everyone would laugh at me.

But mymy husband never reproached me for eating, I got fat. He loved me, felt sorry for me, understood, talked about the fact that if I want, I can not work, he will provide for the two of us. He also spoke, let's have a baby. But it was not easy for me at heart, as if I was a useless loser who survived from work after all.

Colleagues wrote to me on the Internet, asking how I was doing. I puffed up to show that everything is fine, while I am sitting at home, resting. Then I talked to my husband that I want to work, do something, but I'm afraid of this stress and pressure. He talked to his superiors about vacancies, and they took me into their organization. Everything turned out to be good, the team - already family people, was also warmly received. There is no intrigue here, there is active work, joint corporate parties, weekends for everyone are stable, not floating. I was afraid that my husband and I would annoy each other, working in the same organization, but we are on different floors and in different areas. test-antibiotic.com Everything is great now!

I needed to find myself, scary, sickening, but necessary. To be appreciated, so that I can work and understand that I am appreciated. I hope this story from my life will help you if you are experiencing something similar.

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