I know I'm to blame, but I don't want to change anything

I know I'm to blame, but I don't want to change anything
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


I'm guilty before everyone. As I write, I know how to continue living, but I don’t have the strength or desire to turn off this road.

I'm dating a married guy with three small children. He is very good, we work together on shift. He is the life of the party. In our small town, they don’t even realize that he’s married to someone else, but I just dote on him, I love him so much. The guy is almost 10 years younger than me.

I don’t take him away from the family, of course I’m jealous. I myself am ashamed to realize that I am exactly the homewrecker who interferes with someone else’s family, and he is on the line with me for 24 hours if I have a shift shift. If we work together, we are always in a rented apartment after work, and if he goes home, he goes outside and calls and talks again. I see and feel that he loves me too. I myself never gave a hint to his wife about my presence. I know that I’m older, that I should just leave him. Let him live with his wife and children. But test-antibiotic.com I can’t, I love it very much.


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