the Forbidden fruit is sweet

the Forbidden fruit is sweet
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am writing here about something that has been tormenting me for 5 years. I went on vacation to relatives in the Caucasus. I saw these relatives for the first time,Mom called them on the phone before and corresponded. I was 20 years old then. We arrived and everyone started getting to know me. I turned out to have many second cousins ​​and brothers, and one of the brothers was 17 years old. I don't know how this happened. But a week later we slept with him. The two of us were left alone and just attacked each other. I realized what happened only after it was all over. We talked for quite a long time after I left, he wrote that he missed me, and I was unbearably drawn to him.

But over time, I got a very jealous young man and removed his brother from all social networks. networks. Said sobrother and sister cannot correspond. Although we, of course, did not write about this, we were encrypted. We didn’t communicate with him for 2 years. Then I created a left account to write to him, he was very happy, wrote to again that he missed him, asked me to move in with him (he himself moved from the Caucasus to another city, where he lived without relatives).

I, of course, did not agree to this. So what will I do? The longing for him remains to this day. The sin we committed with him haunts me. I don’t know how to look him in the eye if we ever see each other again, the distance between our cities is very large. Before him, I had never let anyone get close to me, I don’t understand how this could have happened then. Before my brother I only had onethe guy I dated for 4 years.

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