I regret that I didn’t leave my husband earlier, but paid his debts

I regret that I didn’t leave my husband earlier, but paid his debts
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was in the same situation as the author of this story. Came outmarried at 24husband is 8 years older (lived 3 years). Almost immediately these beganproblems , old ones surfaced and new debts appeared. He took on receipt, got into small loans at huge interest rates (the banks had not given him for a long time), he was looking for people who bought mobile phones or tablets from him, which he took in installments.

At first, I tried to help, paid off small loans, repaid a little bit of debt from my salary, but it's like a snowball, my ex-husband never stopped. He hid, changed phone numbers, turned off the phone, and the collectors started to get me, they just called, found through social networks, but still not pleasant enough, lived in constant fear, they could kick the door, because the husband, if they started calling or knocking on it did not open. She began to be afraid of everything, stopped communicating with friends and girlfriends, because she could not tell anyone this, even her parents and sister did not say anything. Despite the fact that he has wealthy parents, but test-antibiotic.com they were already tired of pulling him out of these problems and they did not help.

And then the boiling point came, I left, returned to my parents. At first it was very hard, I thought how he was there, and after a couple of months he let go, began to sleep peacefully, filed fordivorce , collectors and creditors answered that we do not live together and are getting divorced, everyone lagged behind me, I began to communicate again with friends and just people. Two weeks after the divorce, she met a young man, a year later she got married and is happy.

I remember a past life and I am ashamed that I allowed myself to ride like that, that for three years I fed, dressed an adult man, dressed an adult man for three years, endured all these tricks, my parents and even close friends do not know the reason for the divorce. So in such cases, you need to leave without thinking, nolove will not stand it, especially since with him it is simply parasitism.

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