Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • I have no conscience
    I’m so tired of everything that I want to scream, stomp my feet and fight in hysterics, but I have to keep my face, so I’m writing here to talk it out.How does all this family debt stand in the way! Well, I don’t want to inspect my mother-in-law, I don’t want to, that’s all! No, she didn't do anythi...
  • My cats don't like me
    Growing up, there were always cats and cats in our family. One or two, male or female, I was always their favorite. They slept with me in an embrace, on my head, they could lie on both sides of my head and purr and lull me to sleep. Then I went outgot married , moved, gave birth to a son, and for a ...
  • Lost the meaning of life
    I've been working non-stop for the past five years to pay off my mortgage. I had a big down payment. I saved on literally everything in order to pay off payments ahead of schedule. And I turned it off.Over the past five years, I have only rested for 4 days. This was in 2019. My temperature rose and ...
  • Life after wife's betrayal
    Married for 11 years, butthe marriage ended with the wife’s betrayal of her boss and our divorce,the lover also lost his family. My wife and I divorced, but never separated; at first I wanted to and was looking for options. Didn't leave because of my daughter. This is where my other one beganlife .A...
  • I gave myself to another girl
    In my youth, I gave my heart to one girl. And although many years have passed, I don’t think any other wording would be more accurate.When I saw her for the first time, I immediately realized that we would become friends. I liked her laugh and what she said. I liked her love of freedom and unceremon...
  • I don't trust anyone in this life
    I'm 16 years old and I just hate myself, I ruin absolutely everythingrelationships with loved ones, I’m afraid to let people near me, I’m constantly depressed, and I’ve been on antidepressants for almost a year.This all started a year ago, after my father died. I wasn’t open before, and after that I...
  • Mobilization in Russia
    I read itadvice on how to avoid mobilization for Russian men and I’m worried because I am toomother of sons. They did not serve with me due to illness. Now they won’t even look at their illnesses. The eldest suffered from meningitis, he constantly has headaches, and has tremors in his hands. The sec...
  • Broken dreams
    I’ve been reading a lot of stories on this site for a very long time, I didn’t even imagine that I would write here. My topic is banal -treason ​But I would never have thought that she would come to our family. Someone will laugh and think: “she’s so naive!” I believed and trusted my husband, consid...
  • Unexpected visit from mother-in-law
    I am 37 years old and for the first time in 8 years of marriage I learned that I have a mother-in-law with the purest and unclouded consciousness.No, of course not, I assumed thatthe husband did not emerge independently and somehow immediately become an adult. But! I have never seen it, heard it or ...
  • I'm tired of my family
    I have schizotypal personality disorder. Now at this difficult moment, when I have a relapse, I live far fromhusband , because of studies, and so on for another three months. The years of testing are behind me, now I’m already in my 4th year and in three months we will be able to live together, and ...
  • How I covered up someone else's sin
    This real story happened many years ago and, to be honest, I am very proud of myself that I resolved everything so quickly and successfully.So, the time of action is the mid-90s. A large, recently occupied communal apartment on Petrogradskaya, which we are putting in order. We are me (I have my own ...
  • Fear has big eyes
    This story happened last summer. The city was simply sweltering from the heat, the asphalt melted underfoot. Crazy townspeople went crazy, dreaming of weekends and vacations. It was simply impossible to stay in apartments without air conditioners and fans, and those who did not have these miracles o...
  • What happens if a woman is bored
    MyMom is unique. If you ever need to move the furniture in your apartment in a new way, or break through doors (replacement or new) in the wall, feel free to call my mom. In our apartment, the engineering-perestroika women's thought works every two and a half weeks. During the first sixteen years of...
  • I don’t like noisy companies, and that’s why I quarrel with my wife
    My wife and I are different in character, but we always gave in and respected each other’s interests. I don’t like noisy companies, I like to relax quietly with my family on weekends or work on my car in the garage,the wife , on the contrary, enjoys communicating with friends and relatives, of whom ...
  • Laziness and indifference will lead me to quit my job
    For the last six months I haven't been able to concentrate on anything. A kind of apathy towards everything. I changed my profession to a more responsible one and thought that with increasing responsibility I would become more active. At a new job, you often have to take all unfinished tasks home. B...
  • I really need support and sympathy
    Unfortunately, I was unable to get support from my family. Mom doesn't like it when someone at home talks about work. I'm going to write a letter of resignation in the morning of my own free will. I’ve only been working recently, only a month, but I’ve managed to seriously upset my nerves and can’t ...
  • The girl hurt me
    One day I met a girl. I liked her, but I didn't want to start herrelationship . I found out that she haschild and she seems to be dating someone.She liked me too. She began to come to my work often. Since I work in a store, this can be done without problems. She didn't start a conversation. But I di...
  • I don't know how to address my stepfather correctly
    My dad left the family a long time ago and my stepfather replaced him, and he always treated me much better than his ownfather . Even at school age, I could share some of my problems with him, and not with my mother, who immediately, without even understanding it, began to educate me with moral teac...
  • Why don't men like me?
    All minelife is a series of unrequited loves. At school I liked different boys one after another, but they did not pay attention to me.I always looked younger than my age, for example, at 16 to 13. And I was never a beauty. And the boys ran after either the first beauties of the class, who looked ol...
  • The man was scared off by my flirting
    I would like to get men's opinion about my story.At work I liked a colleague from another department. He is 12 years older than me. Divorced, yesa son he talks about often. She loves spending time with him (I understand that she takes him on weekends).He is not a simple person. Not a handsome man, h...