Laziness and indifference will lead me to quit my job

Laziness and indifference will lead me to quit my job
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

For the last six months I haven't been able to concentrate on anything. A kind of apathy towards everything. I changed my profession to a more responsible one and thought that with increasing responsibility I would become more active. At a new job, you often have to take all unfinished tasks home. But there wasn’t much more activity.

Over the past couple of months, I haven’t been able to force myself to work at home, and sometimes I have to force myself to work in the office. The volume of work is growing due to the accumulated unfulfilled tasks, but still someindifference to everything. At work they still push me somehow, but at home I just lie on the couch and laze around.

For the past few weekends I have been planning to do a large amount of work, but in the end I just lie on the couch, surf the Internet or watch TV. And as if I myself understand that this is impossible and it’s time to get down to business, but I can’t help myself. As much as I try to shake myself up: I went to football, made a lot of acquaintances, I try to somehow unwind, but nothing helps. I come home and my strength leaves me. I wake up already tired. And I already feel that the routine in the office will overwhelm me and it’s time to come to my senses, but I catch myself thinking that I don’t care.

Deadlines used to force me to move, but now they don’t help either. I don’t want to change my job, because they have high expectations for me, and the conditions are good. I just want some kind of boost of energy or motivation, but nothing motivates me. It seems to me that even a kickstand won’t help me. I'm writing this nowconfession , and I have a quarterly report waiting for me, which urgently needs to be submitted, but nothing can force me to do it.

I don’t recognize myself, I’ve always been efficient and if I put things off, it wasn’t for long, but here in general there’s a kind of indifference to everything. I haven’t cleaned the house for 2 months, I cook food as simple and fast as possible. I wouldn’t be surprised if I soon start giving up on appearance and hygiene, although right now it sounds scary to me.

What can be done in this situation? How to motivate yourself? I don’t know what’s happening to me. It doesn’t look much like laziness or depression, because I used to be lazy and put things off until later, but still sooner or later I got down to business.

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