My cats don't like me

My cats don't like me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Growing up, there were always cats and cats in our family. One or two, male or female, I was always their favorite. They slept with me in an embrace, on my head, they could lie on both sides of my head and purr and lull me to sleep. Then I went outgot married , moved, gave birth to a son, and for a very long time I couldn’t get a pet, but I really wanted to. And now the opportunity has finally arisen. I decided that I would not take from a shelter or buy secondhand. I decided to take it from the street, to save, so to speak, an animal from cold and hunger.

I met a cat, about 3-5 months old, an ordinary yard cat, short-haired and tabby. He is very kind, he purrs when you take him in your arms and he can come and sit next to you, but he can’t sleep together, he can only lie down at his feet. And at some point it seemed to me that my cat was bored when we were not at home, and I decided to bring him a girlfriend. It was decided to take it from the street as well. I didn’t have to wait long, a kitten jumped out right at my feet, he was probably not even a month old yet, blind, dirty, crying and screaming loudly. It turned out to be a cat, I cured her, my cat accepted her. I learned very quickly to go to the toilet, she is sweet and not aggressive, but very timid, when I pick her up, she cries and runs away, she is afraid of me like fire, she has already lived with us for six months, andthe reaction is the same. But he’s not afraid to ask for food, he can come up next to him to see what I’m doing, smell me, and when I pick him up or put him to sleep with me, he runs away. Please advise what to do? How to tame?

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