
  • My sad childhood was brightened up only by my grandmother and a cat.
    My childhood was sad and lonely. My father died when I was five years old.My mother is a very good person, but for her I was always in last place. She kept leaving me and leaving for other cities in search of personal happiness.I grew up a closed, shy, useless girl. Friends, of course, were, but mos...
  • How my father ruined my future
    It will be a sad, sometimes pessimistic story about my ruined dreams. It may seem to you that I pity myself, or I look for pity in other people, but this is not so. Before, it seemed to be true, but I'm trying to move on. I really loved such a subject as chemistry from the 8th grade until graduatio....
  • Is it worth hoping for happiness or living in a cocoon?
    I have been living with my girlfriend for over 8 years. During this time, we did not get married and did not have children. She said that there is nowhere to raise a child, because there is no housing of her own. And I didn't really want to, to be honest. They almost completed the house, which ....
  • I lost my boyfriend's trust
    It's probably stupid for me to write this story now, but I want to share, and maybe someone will give me advice on how to proceed. I am 18 years old, probably now you will think what a stupid little girl, she has not lived anything at all and does not know life at all, but I want to assure you that ...
  • Early I rejoiced at my happiness
    We have been dating a guy for only six months, but I was very disappointed in him. We are peers and at the beginning of the relationship everything was fine with us: romance and walks, he was interested in my life, somehow tried to be closer. I, in turn, also felt very warm feelings. I did not fall....
  • Cheated on her husband with a young student
    Мне 27 лет. Вместе с мужем уже 7 лет, у нас двое замечательных детей. Мой муж — «удобный муж». С работы домой, деньги в семью, не буянит. И все его устраивает: секс 1-2 раза в месяц, вечера дома с пивом у телевизора, дети сами копошатся. Раз в неделю — вылазки в гипермаркет и раз в месяц — на прогул...
  • My dear neighbors, mind your own business!
    All people come home to take a break from work, and I, in order to listen to what my housemates say about me, who constantly complain about me to my mother, a 70-year-old pensioner. I have never seen such people as in our house anywhere, neither in the city where I studied as a technologist at the i...