
  • I found my happiness, but made two loved ones unhappy
    У меня есть дочь, которой уже 24 года. Это ребенок от прошлого брака. И вроде бы все хорошо, и не грешила и не предавала никого, а все равно виню себя и не могу успокоиться, что сломала жизнь дочке.С бывшим мужем у нас было двое детей, старшая дочь, о которой я уже говорила, и младшая (6 лет). Младш...
  • Поздняя любовь сделала мою маму счастливой женщиной
    Мои родители очень разные люди. Я все детство не могла разобраться, кто из моих родителей больше виноват в их неудачном браке. Много раз слышала историю их встречи от мамы. Не понятно, что и как свело их в жизни. Его желание вырваться из деревни и переехать в город, ее уйти из отцовского дома, где б...
  • I didn't expect life to turn this way for me
    I was born 44 years ago in Soviet strict and cheerful times. Simplefamily , three children, I'm the middle one. School years like everyone else, with Pioneer ties and thoughts about a happy life here and how bad it is abroad, they are constantly offended by capitalists.When I turned 13, my son died ...
  • For children and mothers
    I want to tell my story. Not for myself. I don’t need advice: at least I’m starting to cope with the situation. But maybe it will be useful to someone. There are too many stories about confrontation between parents and children.A year ago mine diedMother . I love her very much, but we have never had...
  • One whole
    Everyone should have a family . Who am I without my husband? No one. He is both my dad andMother . Together we are one. When he is near, let the whole world wait. I love him as I love myself, I love him for everything. And he perceives me with all my whims and hysterics.Thishappiness when in the eve...
  • Tired of my husband interfering in every little thing
    I'll start with the fact thatI love my husband very much, but he went to work in another country for three months. We've been together for five years now, he used to work in our country and we saw each otherEvery day after work and weekends together, but now almost every day we only communicate on S...
  • I'm used to being alone and I don't need anyone
    I am 28 years old. I live alone with my daughter. Her husband died when she was six months old. I had to face many difficulties, but gradually everything got better. My daughter goes to kindergarten, I work, the work is normal, the salary is also good. We live separately in a small one-room apartmen...
  • Real love
    Meet the real onelove so muchlife , each of us wants. But, unfortunately, not everyone is so lucky. It seems to me that teenage love is the purest. At this age you think it will be forever. But a person grows up, he changes and his views on people and life in general change. So it was with me.I acco...
  • The disease ruined my life
    I once dreamed of becoming a scientist and doing science, I had the ability for this - as they say, I found my place in life, my calling. I came to Moscow to study and entered, but in my first year I developed an illness in my head, which made studying impossible for me. I was forced to leave the in...
  • I love someone else's husband, and he loves me
    One day my husband and I decided to go to work in another country. We worked and lived together. On one of my days off, I met a neighbor, and that’s where it all started. He began to look after me like no one had ever looked after me.He was married for 10 years, 2 children -son anddaughter . My son ...
  • When work is freedom
    The sun fell almost vertically straight into the Andaman Sea, our boat skirted bizarre rocks that grew out of the sea, seemingly contrary to the laws of gravity. And I caught myself feeling “déjà vu”; it seemed that I had already seen all this. This feeling instantly passed as soon as I remembered e...
  • Despite my love for another woman, I managed to save my family
    I have been married to my wife for almost 10 years. There are children, their own home, work. My first education is as a psychologist, but I have never worked in this specialty. I just sometimes take consultations and different stories about broken families andI have, of course, heard a lot about re...
  • My husband lost interest in me after giving birth and constantly criticizes me
    I have a cry from my soul and I don’t know how to proceed and I have no one to tell, I can’t tell my parents, I don’t want to upset them. You can’t tell everything to a friend, no matter how close she is.I cried all my eyes out from resentment and loneliness, but there was just darkness in my soul. ...
  • You just need to be able to be friends
    Mya friend found herself in the same situation as the author of this story in 1992, when the shelves were empty andfood on coupons, diapers were not available, loans (thank God) were not given.They came to me from the maternity hospital (my husband and I had a room of 13 m). A month later, another f...
  • Who is to blame for my loneliness?
    For a long time now I have realized that there is no chance for me to find joy,happiness , fun. I do not know what to do. I see no point in my existence. I have absolutely no ideas or desire to find my purpose or occupation in life, because I don’t want to do anything, since I don’t know how to do a...
  • I don't need a future child
    I'm 27 years old, 9 weeks pregnant, but I'm stillchild . However, the changes in my life have been dramatic. Travel, hobbies, etc. - everything is crossed out with one thick line, or rather, two. I wake up and feel sick. I eat - I feel sick. Then he falls asleep again, then into tears. I started to ...
  • Lost the meaning of life
    I've been working non-stop for the past five years to pay off my mortgage. I had a big down payment. I saved on literally everything in order to pay off payments ahead of schedule. And I turned it off.Over the past five years, I have only rested for 4 days. This was in 2019. My temperature rose and ...
  • I believed in my man when even my own mother abandoned him
    Been twiceMarried . Now the third tank. I met my man a little later than I wanted. But the whole journey was worth it. Now I know for sure that it’s familyhappiness must be earned.MyWhen we first met, my husband had a whole range of psychological problems - lack of self-confidence (he has an incurab...
  • Women's beauty is working on yourself plus quality cosmetics
    Some of my female peers surprise me. It seems that grown women, who are already over 30, believe in fairy tales and miracles. And they don’t want to understand that nothing happens just like that, without effort, be it a promotion or the absence of folds at the waist.I am especially annoyed by the r...
  • Sorry for the happiness, mom!
    My name is Natalia, I am 36 years old and I decided to confess, pour out all thatthe pain and bitterness that have haunted me all these long and difficult 20 years. This is how long I have not communicated with my dearest person, my mom. On March 22, my mother will turn 60 years old, and not only wi...