Antibiotics in chicken eggs: myths and reality

Antibiotics in chicken eggs: myths and reality
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Every day we use chicken eggs as a source of protein and other nutrients. But many people are starting to worry about what chickens might get.antibiotics , which can then get into the eggs and cause harm to health. Let's look into this issue.
Are chickens really getting antibiotics?
Yes, some producers may use antibiotics to prevent and treat diseases in chickens. However, this does not mean that all chickens receive antibiotics. In the US and Europe, there are strict rules and regulations on the use of antibiotics in the poultry industry. In addition, producers must observe a certain period of time after antibiotic treatment of chickens to ensure that all antibiotic residues are cleared from the animal's body.
Can antibiotics get into eggs?
Yes, it's possible that some antibiotic residues can end up in the eggs. However, the level of antibiotics in eggs is extremely low and does not pose a threat to human health. In addition, the human body can easily cope with so many antibiotics.
Can antibiotics in eggs cause antibiotic resistance in humans?
No, eating eggs containing low levels of antibiotics does not lead to the development of antibiotic resistance in humans. Antibiotic resistance develops with prolonged and incorrect use of antibiotics.
How to choose safe eggs?
If you want to be sure that the eggs you buy are safe to eat, follow these guidelines:
- Buy eggs from reputable producers who comply with the rules and regulations for the use of antibiotics in the poultry industry.
- Avoid eggs with damaged shells or eggs that have already been broken.
- Store eggs in the refrigerator and consume them within 3-4 weeks of purchase.
Antibiotics in chicken eggs are nothing to worry about. The level of antibiotics in eggs is extremely low and does not pose a threat to human health. In addition, producers must comply with strict rules and regulations on the use of antibiotics in the poultry industry to ensure food safety.

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