Soul pain

Soul pain
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

You are the last person I could talk to. It’s very hard for me without you, without your jokes, only you could listen to me and support me as best you can. Conversations with you seemed eternal, I didn’t even notice the time of day and didn’t spare time for you at all. I don’t know how I feel about you, but I know for sure that it’s very difficult for me without you. I’m slowly coping without you, but I can’t kill you.

Once I asked one person: “Are you monogamous?” And he replied that he loved me very much. And I said that a monogamous person is someone who fell in love with only one girl, only the first one, with whom there was something special (I’m not even talking about a kiss or something big, I’m talking about the soul). I know what remains forever in my soul, and that is you and our conversations. You always made me laugh, and that look, I couldn't stop looking at you. If I had at least one chance to fix everything, I would do everything without even thinking, togive back what we had.

You are what is always in my soul. Your hair, lips, laughter, your childhood resentment towards me. If you could read this, you would understand how much I love you and that will remain forever. Yes, I don’t see you for a long time, and when we see each other again and talk, I feel better, my soul seems to find peace and I’m not at all scared to be around. You forgot to congratulate me on my birthday, didn’t even write, and if only you knew how much I was waiting only for your congratulations, but I could never even be offended by you, imagining in my heart that you congratulated me.

I consider myself a monogamous person, but we are not together and I have another person who may make me happy, but believe me, my soul loves you very much. No matter how much I tryforget you, no matter what I did, I even slept with another person, but after that you appeared again like my ghost.

You are different and different from everyone else, so attentive and kind in small things, and also very calm, and next to you I wanted to be bright, explosive, like a light. But you always refused me, pushed me away, but continued to be somewhere nearby. I tried to support you everything evenly, and when you haddepression , and when you just felt bad. Sometimes you pushed me away, I didn’t understand why, and I still don’t understand.

I really want you to be happy, but I’m very jealous; when I imagine that you can also talk to someone else and love her very much, I feel really bad.

It seems to me that I am sick with you and this is forever. A lot of time has passed, but I still love you. You know, I still dream about you at night, when the moon shines so brightly, I remember your appearance, your eyes, your plump nose, your alluring lips. My soul remains with you forever, I remember everything, all the outlines of your face and all the happy moments, how you made me laugh, joked,, how we chatted over a cupcoffee at three in the morning. But I didn’t tell you that back then I didn’t like coffee, I didn’t see it, but still I sat with you and drank it, and surprisingly then it even seemed very sweet to me. Now I always drink coffee when I feel very bad without you. It's so hard that there's no one else to talk to. How you helped me with everything, and how I scared you from behind the door, remember? It was very funny, you were still very offended by me then, and later I screamed when I saw the snake and we seemed to make up. How I introduced you to my friend, and you were incredibly jealous of me, and I pretended that I didn’t understand anything.

If only you could know how much I appreciate every moment spent with you. Maybe it’s better that it all ended like this, I’m not offended, and you probably remember me very rarely, but here I will write all the memories about us. You may never read this, but it makes me feel better to write this to you.

But I remember everything, both our eyes and our games, andI also remember my jealousy . You know, it seems to me that only you saw in me what others did not see, you are the only one who was able to support me, for which I am very grateful to you. It seems like you never deceived me, but at the same time you didn’t tell the truth, I needed those words that you told me, that everything would work out for me, but in fact everything really worked out. You were there when I really needed you.

I remember my first glass of champagne, you refused, but I drank it. And after so much time, I already offered to have a drink with me, and you again refused. Your principles, your eyes have not changed, they are as they werethe pain remained.

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