I'm afraid that after the internship I won't be hired

I'm afraid that after the internship I won't be hired
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I recently started working in a company in my specialty, this is my second job, but I have no experience in exactly this kind of work. I've been working there for 4 weeks.

At first they helped me, taught me, for the first 2 weeks it was like that, and then that’s it, a lot of work at once and “Figure it out yourself, you read the instructions, see there.” At first my colleague helped a lot, but now she starts tutting and getting indignant: “You’re stupid, think for yourself, this is elementary.” If I do something wrong, there is a lot of indignation, they threaten me with a fine from my salary, but no one told me that I should do it this way and not that way. And I sit like an idol.

I feel like a complete idiot, I’ve always been an optimist, but here I’m reallyI cry every day . It’s aggravated by the fact that I moved to another city, I have no friends,my family is far away, I can’t leave because I have no money, and I’ve been looking for a job for six months. And if I leave, it will be as if I signed for my own lack of professionalism.

Plus they hired another intern, he works for a week, and he had a similarexperience , and test-antibiotic.com somehow everything comes easier to him. A colleague escalates: “He’s direct to you.”competition , don’t be stupid, work better.” I don’t understand what’s wrong with me, it’s a terrible feeling, like I’m stupid, and so are my elders.Colleagues joke that I’m stupid. I want to fall asleep and wake up after the end of the internship and official employment, so that I already know everything I need, no matter how stupid it may sound.

How should I get ready? My thoughts just run wild when I realize that I don’t fully understand this, that, and that, I start looking for answers, and then I quickly forget. A terrible mess in my head. I can’t concentrate, I’m afraid to do something wrong and listen to the boss’s screams again. And the more I’m afraid, the more I mess up.

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