I'm afraid to cross the line

I'm afraid to cross the line
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 25 years old and I am a young teacher at one of the educational institutions. The specialty is technical, so both when I studied and at work I always found myself in the center of men. This seems to be a familiar area for me. I know how to accept compliments and gifts and never go beyond the line of “friends” or “work” relationships.

At the beginning of the school year, as usual, a new group came for practice. Guys are like guys, nothing to say. But there was one student. I felt so uncomfortable next to him that it made me anxiously think that we would soon have a lesson. He was smart, quick-witted, an order of magnitude higher than all his colleagues. At some point, I thought that I was simply afraid not to answer himquestion , I began to doubt my knowledge. But over time I got used to it. Even to his powerful energy. There was something about him...

I would never have thought about him if after some time he had not started showing me signs of attention. Either he will say that I look very nice, or he will bring me chocolate, or he will treat mecoffee , stay after the couples talk test-antibiotic.com with me. Even once there was a moment when I was very upset, thought about it and covered my face with a notebook, and he came up and said: “I know how to help” and gave me a massage. This, of course, was a shock for me and I did it to himremark .

The guy is 3 years younger than me. On social networks we correspond minimally. Or rather, he sends me interesting articles, and we discuss them. Nothing is violated in class; he is the student, I am the teacher.

I can’t understand what is happening? This makes me happy and sad at the same time. I know that he has a couple. Did he just find me a good conversationalist or is he that kind of person?

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