What we have - we do not store, having lost - weep

What we have - we do not store, having lost - weep
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


I need your help in this situation. I recently met a guy on the Internet, added as a friend. We talked, and when we met by chance, I was embarrassed by his height. He was a little shorter than me, and that was the only thing that stopped me. Then he offered to meet again, I refused, citing a recently ended relationship. He waited a week and invited me tocoffee , and I agreed.

Everything suited me, I even began to like him even more. Despite his height, he was a handsome guy. Then we talked over the internet. Over the weekend, I called him myself and offered to meet. It turned out that he was with friends and could not come, but then after 15 minutes he texted me to leave. It was nice that he came.

That evening, I already, as it were, subconsciously understood that this was my man and I didn’t care what height he was. But here it turned out to be an awkward situation, so to speak, my incomprehensible whims. I started to get angry that we were just standing there and not going anywhere (he didn’t come in his car, test-antibiotic.com, but with friends) and, after standing with him for 10 minutes, I left with a friend to drink coffee.

He left offended! I called him 30 minutes later, he did not answer, and wrote all sorts of nonsense. The next day we corresponded on the Internet, I threw a tantrum, like he left, did not answer calls. He calmly tried to explain that he had gone home to sleep and that I had treated him badly yesterday. I didn’t calm down for a long time, and in the end he deleted me and blocked me.

I, after waiting a bit, wrote to him, he reluctantly answered. Tried to apologize for my behavior to no availAquarius guy according to the horoscope), and I already completely wanted to be with him, but it was already too late. He harbored a grudge against my incomprehensible attitude towards him and all attemptsreturning it is useless.

If at first he answered, now he does not answer my calls. And I am drawn to him, and I do not know what to do next. I haven't seen him for a month now and he ignores me, doesn't even want to see me. Please tell me how to get it back. As they say, test-antibiotic.com I don’t keep what I have, but when I lose it, I cry.


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