Double betrayal made me a confirmed bachelor

Double betrayal made me a confirmed bachelor
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 34 years old, Slavic, a former driver and currently the director of the logistics department in the transport industry. Not married and naturally no children. But I don’t lose my good spirits and positive attitude. People are interested in knowing what caused my loneliness. More on this below.

There have been two love triangles in my life. One happened at the age of 19, when I was studying at the State Technical University to become an excavator operator, and the second at the age of 24, when I got a job laying sewers in the installation department.

Then my eldestbrother stole my bride. Scandal. Fight. Half of my face was broken. My brother's jaw and arm were broken. There was no statement to the police (Tatyana, now his wifehis wife came out to him and convinced him not to get involved in legal proceedings, subsequently she reconciled us and did not allow hostility).

I quit playing basketball and started drinking and smoking weed. This fact negatively affected my work in the installation department. They will not hire a drunk or a drug addict to the position of operator of complex equipment, which they hinted at me in a gentle form and asked me to leave at of my own free will.

Then, on a tip from an old school friend, I got a job as a monument installer in a funeral home. There he dug graves to order. Worked for 2 years. The work is hard. Sometimes I had to dig at night, and even alone. He drank a lot, sometimes falling asleep in the guard's closet or utility room. And this time they kicked me out for systematic heavy drinking.

I didn’t get out of the binge for six months until I realized what it would lead toalcoholism. He stopped drinking, stopped smoking weed, resumed playing sports and began studying combat sambo. I got a job as a driver in a transport company and forgot my old adventures. And then, as usual, I met a new onelove. But this time too, an attempt to find familyhappiness turned into failure. And all because I let her go to Turkey alone and paid for her trip with a whole carload of pleasures myself. I earned a stable and high income on flights, sometimes I transported “lefties” for a separate fee. In Turkey, she met her true love, in her words, and stayed with him, and as usual, she thanked me for everything and wished me to find happiness.

Brother consoled me, saying that it was not sunset yet and the light had not come together like a wedge. But his words did not have any positive impact on me. I was saturated with distrust and fear of a new relationship and decided to change my perspective on the world. He left his job the same, was promoted to the head of a motorcade and became seriously interested in black archeology.

And at this stage I was stuck. I stopped looking for relationships and started looking for weapons and artifacts. Found, collected and partially sold to paying clients. I also became interested in vintage cars. Yes, a lot of things, but most of all, shooting and knife fighting stuck in my soul. I also truly loved long-distance cross-country. And all this knocked me off my previous rhythm of life. Forever.

Now, at 34 years old, I have no goal of starting a family. I don't know why I need it. I can't find the answer. Although there is onegirl, who has been interested in me for a long time. And I wish her happiness as they wished it for me. Sometimes I find myself in a state the essence of which I cannot explain. Euphoria gives way to melancholy, the joy of life goes away, a sharp apathy towards the world around us begins, and in these moments I leave for my pine log dacha, where I heat the stove, sit in a chair and listen to jazz. Sometimes, when I'm alone, I play an old piano.

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