Is this really friendship?

Is this really friendship?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


Six months ago, in one of the groups on social networks, I met a young man. We started talking about nothing, it seemed to me. By the way, I have a lot of guy friends, some of whom I’ve been friends with for 10 years. And I alsoI’m married and have a child, so I communicate with everyone only in a friendly manner.

Our communication with him didn’t start very smoothly right away. At first, he generally told me that I communicate with men, which is forbidden. I got tired of it and stopped communicating with him. He showed up on his own after some time, just like a lamb, and I decided that since he wanted it that way, we’d continue to be friends. We continued.

And let's move on to weirdness. He often tells me that I am beautiful, but not his type, since he loves tall brunettes. But I’m going to be friends with him, not sleep, so I react normally. But for some reason he constantly tells me about how he met a tall brunette. He talks about his adventures and so on. I react jokingly, but is he pursuing some goal? constantly tells me that he is not attracted to me as a woman. I also don’t understand why he says this so often.

I don’t have any complexes, because I am beautiful in appearance and confident in myself. And to be friends, you don’t have to want someone. Sometimes I got bored, and I already interrupted him three timescommunication , every time he announced himself. I honestly don’t understand why he stuck to me? Is there no one to tell about your adventures?

First, communication begins with his apology, then we communicate well and about everything (he is cheerful), and then it begins again. Again he talks about his women, about how he slept with this and that and away we go. Now they have made up again and again he began to talk about his adventures.


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