How to get revenge on your ex-boss?

How to get revenge on your ex-boss?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to confess and get advice. I know that many will condemn, but I hope that there will still be those who will help.

Let's go back to 2020.

I am 30 years old, unmarried, no children. I have been in love with my boss for a long time. To be honest, I was always in the center of attention in kindergarten, at school, and at the university. I have never been deprived of male attention, I am not Miss World, but I cling to something, which means that everything is so. And now, at work, male attention is drawn to me mostly.

But, to my regret, even in this situation, the chief does not pay attention to me. No, of course he jokes with me, calls for a cupcoffee at lunch, but he has the same attitude towards all other employees.

I didn’t want to speak openly about my feelings, pride didn’t allow me, because I tried to flirt at every opportunity, but to no avail. So a year has passed. And here we have a girl. In many ways inferior to me, the appearance and figure is the most ordinary, and not particularly sociable. But much to my surprise   quickly found a common language with everyone, even the female sex loved her. I didn't really care until I realized that the boss liked her. At breaks, he constantly treated her to chocolates, sat down with her at lunch, even invited her to dance at a corporate party. After that, she began to irritate me greatly, the hostility was intensified by the fact that she is always so kind and sweet to everyone, but I can see through and through that she pretends to be like that. Once she brought a cake to work, said that she had baked it herself. Everyone praised me so much, as if they had never seen a pie in my life, because not so long ago I also treated my colleagues, and there was no such reaction, although my pie was many times tastier.

After 9 months of such torment, I find out that the boss made her an offer, to which she agreed. I decided not to go to the wedding, I cried all day. Well, how is it that the beloved man did not marry me. A week later, I invited the boss to dinner, under the pretext of discussing urgent work matters. He came from   her, which made me very angry, because I invited him alone. During dinner, he got a call and he walked away, and then I started to act. I told her that the boss was cheating on her with me, that we had been in a secret relationship for a long time. She naturally burst into tears and ran away. When he returned, he asked about his wife, but I said that some man came in a car for her, and she left. In disbelief, he began to call her, but the phone was turned off. Then I told him that everyone at work already knows that she has another.

Up to this point, everything went according to my plan, but at my words he laughed. He told me to stop my games, told me not to come to work and not climb into his life. And left. After some time, I found out that they had not parted, and several times I tried to return him to me, but it did not work out.

It's 2023 now, I'm already working at another job. The boss is doing well with her, the baby was born. The current boss from   started showing signs of attention on my first day at work. And only now I am beginning to understand that the former boss simply understood that he would not pull to be with someone like me, because I am always in the spotlight, but he is not, since he fell for a woman who looks older than me, although younger by 5 years. Apparently, life specifically saved me from someone like him. But still, my pride is hurt, since his choice was not made in my favor. Gestalt is not closed, so I had the idea to cause him and her as much suffering as I experienced. To be fair.

So far no ideas. Tell me, who was in this situation? I will say in advance, keep your unnecessary opinions to yourself, I only need practical advice. Thank you.

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