The woman I love didn't want to marry me.

The woman I love didn't want to marry me.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was 30 years old, she was almost 40. Behind her was alreadymarriage , I only had in the pastcivil marriage , which ended badly - the betrayal of a common-law wife. The situation is the same as described in the confession. I didn’t accept the engagement ring from my beloved man, because I don’t want tomarried .

I met my new woman, helped her with everything, helped with her child, took them on vacation. I loved her to bits.

And then one day I decided to propose to her. In response - a refusal, they say, she’s already fine, everything suits her, she’s so comfortable and she doesn’t want to get married again, butshe already has a child . I was just a thing to her, a convenient good thing. You can take, but give nothing in return. She also justified her refusal by a previous marriage, saying that I was such a cool aunt, I already was, I know and now I am strong and independent, I won’t bend anymore.

I admit honestly - this truth hit me hard. At first I tried to somehow achieve her, but seeing her attitude, having finally opened, my eyes began to fail, feelings began to pass. Disappointment in a person seemed to sober me, and all illusions flew off. We soon parted ways.

This is how this one waslove . I sincerely loved, wanted children, family and old age together. In the end, I turned out to be a simple toy for such an egoist, and I got it for nothing.

For me, fortunately, everything ended well, a few years later I met my wife, now I am happy, loved and in love, raising my children. And I see and feel that these relationships are real, and not a one-wicket game for the amusement of someone's selfishness. I think that you should not waste your life on a person who does not value anything and is only able to receive and play, justifying himself and blaming others.

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