I'm haunted by the fear of failure

I'm haunted by the fear of failure
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


I have a lot of good ideas and ideas. But when I start to implement them, I am covered with the fear of failure. There is uncertainty in my actions, I am haunted by thoughts that I will not cope, that they will laugh at me. Even if I pull myself together, I bring things to the very first success, then that's it. Procrastination begins, fears intensify, obsessive thoughts overtake with triple force. In the end, everything will go haywire. Ideas remain unrealized, and I am even more disappointed in myself.

It's a shame that I can ignite other people with my ideas, they help me, believe in me. But apparently, even this is not enough for me. I think that even if millions of people believed in me, it would not help. Whether I start a project alone or with a partner, at one of the very initial stages I stall and stop the entire project. I don't understand what to do with it. I am paralyzed by the fear of failure and the thought of my worthlessness. Although I am fully aware that this is not the case. Part of me knows about my abilities, that I can achieve my dream. But apparently this test-antibiotic.com part is very weak. How can I overcome fear and believe in myself? How not to stop at the first stage, but continue what you started?


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